
Introducing the DDO-U Thinkific App

Introducing the DDO-U Thinkific App

Posted by Michelle for PetTest, AAHA Certified Diabetes Educator on 7th Jun 2023

Introducing the DDO-U Thinkific App We have been waiting for this for almost a year and are so excited to announce that there is an app for Thinkific available now! The app is available on iOS and … read more
Probiotics for Your Dog’s Health

Probiotics for Your Dog’s Health

Posted by Michelle for PetTest, AAHA Certified Diabetes Educator on 1st Jun 2023

Probiotics for Your Dog’s Health I have been giving my dogs supplements ever since Lucy was diagnosed with diabetes and acute pancreatitis. Soon after Lucy’s diagnosis I learned of diabetic catara … read more
Meal Toppers for Your Diabetic Dog

Meal Toppers for Your Diabetic Dog

Posted by Michelle for PetTest, AAHA Certified Diabetes Educator on 19th May 2023

Meal Toppers for Your Diabetic Dog If you have a picky dog you're familiar with the drill; you find something your dog loves to eat and stock up on it, then Fido decides one day that he doesn't li … read more
OCUPET for Your Dog’s Eye Health

OCUPET for Your Dog’s Eye Health

Posted by Michelle for PetTest, AAHA Certified Diabetes Educator on 26th Apr 2023

OCUPET for Your Dog’s Eye Health If you have a diabetic dog you may have been told that diabetic cataracts and the possibility of them losing their site is a strong possibility, after all 80% of d … read more
Supplements for Hips & Joints

Supplements for Hips & Joints

Posted by Michelle for PetTest, AAHA Certified Diabetes Educator on 16th Mar 2023

Supplements for Hips & Joints We spend our dogs lives making sure that they are happy, healthy and are pain free and when our dogs get older arthritis and hind end weakness can be a problem. L … read more
Why You Should Use an Animal Glucose Meter for Your Pets

Why You Should Use an Animal Glucose Meter for Your Pets

Posted by Michelle for PetTest, AAHA Certified Diabetes Educator on 8th Mar 2023

Why You Should Use an Animal Glucose Meter for Your Pets When Lucy was diagnosed with diabetes in 2015 I bought an animal meter so I could test her blood glucose levels, but test strips were expen … read more
A Thorough Guide to Syringes

A Thorough Guide to Syringes

Posted by Michelle for PetTest, AAHA Certified Diabetes Educator on 3rd Feb 2023

A Thorough Guide to Syringes Looking for the correct syringes for insulin can be really confusing! When Lucy was first diagnosed with diabetes I had no idea what all the numbers meant. We’ve learn … read more
​Library of Blogs for Diabetic Dogs

​Library of Blogs for Diabetic Dogs

Posted by Michelle for PetTest, AAHA Certified Diabetes Educator on 1st Feb 2023

Today we recap the blogs posted to date. We have built quite a library for your perusing pleasure. We will write once a week and that blog will likely be posted midweek. Just click on the blue, unde … read more